International Journal of Electronics and Information Engineering
IJEIE will be
committed to the timely publication of very high-quality, blind-reviewed, peer-reviewed, original
papers that advance the state-of-the art and applications of Electronics and Information Engineering. Topics will include, but not be limited to, the following:
Algorithms, Bioinformatics, and Computation Theory, Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Systems, Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, SoC, and VLSI/EDA,
Computer Networks and Web Service/Technologies,
Cryptography and Information Security,
Database, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval,
Digital Content, Digital Life, and Human Computer Interaction,
Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Multimedia Technologies,
Information Literacy, e-Learning, and Social Media,
Mobile Computing, Wireless Communications, and Vehicular Technologies,
Parallel, Peer-to-peer, Distributed, and Cloud Computing,
Software Engineering and Programming Languages,
Telecommunication, etc.
1. Manuscript Style, Illustrations and Photos
1.1 General
Articles must be written in good English.
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been
published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication
elsewhere. It will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or
in any other language, without the written consent of the Publisher.
1.2 Format and Download
The authors don't care the format in submitting phase. However, all accepted manuscripts must be written in LaTeX format. Authors are responsible for converting their manuscripts to LaTeX, if not initially in LaTeX format. Figures should be in EPS (if in Latex format). It is the authors' responsibility to prepare papers as in IJEIE's format. Accepted papers may not be published unless they meet IJEIE's formatting standard. Here you can view a sample file in Acrobat pdf format (Download PDF) . You can download a sample file named (Latex format), IJEIE_TEX_Format.rar (Latex format).
1.3 Length Limitation
All papers should be
concisely written and be no longer than 30 double-spaced pages (12-point
font, approximately 26 lines/page) including figures.
1.4 Title page
The title page should
contain the article title, author(s) names and affiliations, address, an
abstract not exceeding 100 words, and a list of three to five keywords.
1.5 Corresponding author
Clearly indicate who is
willing to handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication.
Ensure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are
provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address.
1.6 References
References should be
listed alphabetically, in the same way as follows:
For a paper in a journal: M.
S. Hwang, C. C. Chang, and K. F. Hwang, “An ElGamal-like
cryptosystem for enciphering large messages,” IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 445-446, 2002.
For a book: Dorothy E. R. Denning, Cryptography
and Data Security. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1982.
For a paper in a proceeding: M. S. Hwang,
C. C. Lee, and Y. L. Tang, “Two simple batch verifying multiple digital
signatures,” The Third International Conference on Information and
Communication Security (ICICS2001), pp. 13-16, Xian, China, 2001.
In text, references should be indicated
by [number].
2. Submission Procedure
There are two options available for IJEIE:
Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their
papers electronically by using online manuscript submission at (
Authors can also submit their Word, ps or pdf file to the
editor-in-chief via Email ( )
3. Copyright
After accepting paper, the corresponding author should signed copyright form, scan, and email the signed copyright form to me within 2 weeks ( You can download an unsigned copyright file named IJEIE-Copyright_Form.pdf (IJEIE Copyright Form).
4. Review Process
1-3 months for the refereeing process and to inform the authors of the outcome of the refereeing process.
Papers should preferably be sent to 2-3 referees and must be amended according to their comments.
If one of referees rejects the manuscript, Editor-in-Chief will reject the manuscript for publication in IJEIE.
5. Publication Ethics
Academic ethics are the necessary fundamental principle of research and the foundation for scientists' and engineers' reputation. To promote academic integrity and publish high-quality scientific works, International Journal of Electronics and Information Engineering (IJEIE) issues the following Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement about the expected ethical behavior for all parties related to IJEIE publication, including the author, the peer reviewer, the IJEIE editor, and the publisher.
6. Publication Charge
As IJEIE journal is an open access journal which does not sell published papers and offer all published papers free of cost to all readers, members,
researchers, libraries, universities, organizations, and companies. IJEIE does not charge APC and other fees.